

Report on the state of the art on teaching methodologies and curricula in the basic education colleges at the HEIs in Kurdistan

It is a report on the state of the art about teaching methodologies and curricula in the HEIs in Kurdistan, and on the good practices from the EU university partners. This will serve as the baseline for the training and the actions plans in each Kurdish HEIs.



Needs assessment report

It is a report of the needs and gaps in Basic Education Colleges in Kurdish universities, presenting a thorough analysis of the training needs of the project beneficiaries. 



Action plan for humanities and social sciences departments of the basic education faculties in the 5-partner country HEIs

Each Basic Education College in the 5-partner country HEIs defined its own action plan, including recommendations for the curricula review process. The action plan identifies actions that should be taken, roles and responsibility for the action, and the timeframe required to achieve the goals set by the faculty. The action plan defines a roadmap for the faculty curriculum for the next five years.



Learning outcomes review and curricula mapping

Based on a review of the syllabi of the courses offered in the Colleges of Basic Education in the KRG partner universities and on the training activities carried out, the Consortium has produced a list of recommendations for revising and re-focusing the curricula’s learning outcomes.



Training Handbook on new teaching methodologies for Basic Education

The handbook collects the training materials made available during the trainings by UNIPV, UGR and UTAD, the European universities hosting workshops and visits. Special enphasis in the training and in the handbook is given to special education.  



MOOC on innovative teaching methodologies

The TeachersMOD MOOC is an online training course, hosted in the UNIMED learning platform, with the aim to capitalize all the training activities performed and to guarantee the efficacy and sustainability of the training.


5 Syllabus reviewed from the 5 Pedagogic centers

It is the update of the Pedagogic Centres syllabus with the aim of introducing new courses and programs to be offered to the university community and civil society.


Shared action plan from the 5 Pedagogic centers

The shared action plan will summarize the key messages and recommendations resulting from the Networking Event, where universities discuss and compare needs, priorities, syllabus review and updated courses.